Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Police Blotter: 21 Nov 2012

What are a few fingers between friends, really? 
If there's one thing the blotter teaches us, it’s that alcohol and cleavers don’t mix. One 22-year-old learned that the hard way on Sunday in Kandal’s Takhmao town as he and four pals got boozed up, police said. One of them, a 29-year-old chef, disappeared only to return with the cutlery, which he used to hack his friend’s hand. Police intervened and arrested the suspect, while the victim said he was clueless as to his mate’s motive. Nokorwat

Slap finally lands wife beater behind bars
A serial domestic abuser is behind bars at last after police cuffed the lout on Saturday in Kandal’s Sa’ang district. Police said the man, driven by jealousy, slapped his wife during an argument, accusing her of talking to a man on the phone. Cops said the man had injured his spouse earlier this month and had repeatedly attacked her when she refused to cook for him. He confessed, saying he was drunk and couldn’t control himself. Deum Ampil

Today in useful cliches: curiosity kills cat, dogs 
A pair of loyal pooches – and a cat – were poisoned on Sunday in Kampong Speu in a cruel motorbike robbery. Police said a neighbour heard the two would-be guard dogs barking before they fell eerily silent. Checking on the matter about 30 minutes later, he found the moto gone and both dogs lying dead after having eaten meat that had been poisoned. Police are now on the search for what they believe could be several suspects. A neighbourhood cat, tempted by the poisoned leftovers, sadly ended up as collateral damage. Nokorwat

Drunk driver runs down child in K Chhnang  
A 4-year-old boy was tragically killed in a traffic accident on Sunday in Kampong Chhnang when he was hit by a motorbike driven by a suspected drunk driver. Police said the boy was walking alone to his grandparent’s house when a speeding 19-year-old man with a passenger ran into the boy, killing him instantly. Both men, who the police said were drunk, were hospitalised. Police have confiscated the bike and said the men will be dealt with when they have recovered. Koh Santepheap

Numbers, cutlery give sextet the edge in fight 
A fight with less-than-sporting odds left a Kampong Chhnang man with critical injuries on Sunday. According to police, a group of three men sharing a motorbike at about 1:20am were chased by a group twice their size, who ultimately attacked them with cleavers. One of them, a 24-year-old man, was injured and left unconscious, while the other two were briefly hospitalised. Police said the attackers escaped and suggested revenge as a motive. 

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